Ridgeway designs and implements custom medical surveillance programs for employees exposed to designated substances, other dangerous substances, or consistently high noise levels. All programs are compliant with relevant legislation and meet best practices. Medical surveillance programs can either be conducted on-site during the client’s work hours, or at our clinic in West Mississauga, whichever the client prefers.
If an employer is working with designated substances and an assessment would disclose that a worker is likely to be exposed to a designated substance and that the health of a worker may be affected by that exposure, a medical surveillance program that abides by the code of the given substances is required
Employers are required by regulation to protect workers from exposure to hazardous materials and to provide the appropriate medical examinations if a workers’ health is believed to have been affected by exposure to the agent.
Ridgeway has the ability to conduct the highest quality hearing tests both at our clinic in West Mississauga, or onsite at your location.
Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) designates 11 substances as “designated substances”, seven of which (Asbestos, Benzene, Coke Oven Emissions, Isocyanates, Lead, Mercury, and Silica) have codes for medical surveillance. If an employer is working with one of these seven designated substances AND an assessment discloses or would disclose that a worker is likely to be exposed to a designated substance and that the health of a worker may be affected by that exposure, a medical surveillance program that abides by the code of the given substances is required. It should be noted that worker participation in this medical surveillance program is always voluntary. While the specific nature of each program differs by substance, all medical surveillance programs involve a schedule of medical exams which include the completion of a medical and occupational history, a physical examination, clinical tests, provision of worker health information, and a decision regarding a worker’s fitness to continue working with exposure to the designated substance. Ontario’s regulation states that: “Physicians conducting these medical examinations or supervising clinical tests must be competent to do so because of knowledge, training and experience in occupational medicine.” For the last 25 years, Dr. Rosenfeld has developed and conducted medical surveillance programs for designated substances for numerous corporate and industrial clients across Southern Ontario. Dr. Rosenfeld is deeply familiar with all of Ontario’s regulations regarding medical surveillance of designated substances, and ensures that his programs strictly adhere to them. He has significant experience working with the following designated substances:
There are many biological and chemical materials commonly used in the workplace, other than designated substances, that have been deemed hazardous by Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA). Employers are required by the regulation to protect workers from exposure to these hazardous materials and to provide the appropriate medical examinations if a workers’ health is believed to have been affected by exposure to the agent. Some of these agents include:
As part of an overall noise regulation and protection program, regular hearing tests, ideally annually, are an excellent tool to monitor and protect your employees hearing. Ridgeway has the ability to conduct the highest quality hearing tests both at our clinic in West Mississauga, or onsite at your location.
Noise can be dangerous. Over time, prolonged exposure to noise can cause permanent hearing loss. It can also:
Interested in a career-related medical examination?
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